The Southwest Coalition for Substance Abuse Issues – Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration Treatment Locator. This confidential and anonymous source of information for persons seeking treatment facilities in the United States offers comprehensive search features for substance use disorder and mental health treatment services. – Prevention First is Illinois’ ONLY nonprofit resource center specializing in preventing teen alcohol, tobacco and other drug use. – Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA) is the nation’s leading drug abuse prevention organization, representing the interests of more than 5,000 community anti-drug coalitions in the country. – National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism provides leadership in the national effort to reduce alcohol-related problems through scientific research that is publicized to health care providers, policy makers and the public. – Center for Substance Abuse Prevention is a gateway to information about all of the federal government’s prevention efforts. – Join Together is an action and education organization that advocates for effective drug policy, prevention and treatment. – Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) provides federal leadership on juvenile justice and delinquency prevention, including prevention of alcohol and other substance use and abuse. – Partnership for a Drug-Free America, Illinois Affiliate offers state news, events and resources, as well as a link to specific drug information from the Partnership for a Drug-Free America. – The Marin Institute is an alcohol industry watchdog and resource for solutions to community alcohol problems.– Illinois Association for Behavioral Health advocates sound public policy that will create healthier families and safer communities. – Illinois Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Professional Certification Association (IAODAPCCA) certifies ATOD professionals in Illinois, including preventionists. – Illinois Department of Human Services offers professionals and individuals information about the department’s programs for substance abuse prevention and treatment. – Center for Prevention Research and Development offers research, technical assistance and expertise in the areas of school improvement, health and human service reform and prevention science. – Partnership for a Drug-Free America provides answers, guidance, tips and stories related to drug prevention, drug intervention, drug treatment and recovery. – Illinois State Legislature details current legislation, session schedules and Illinois statutes and laws. – The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is the lead federal agency for protecting the health and safety of people at home and abroad, providing credible information to enhance health decisions and promoting health through partnerships. – With over 170 members, the Northern Illinois Chapter of the Employee Assistance Professionals Association (NIEAPA) is one of the largest and most active in the world.